string(1) "4" Hungary | PlanUp



NECP's highlights:

NECP REPORT download


The final plan highlights the importance of tackling transport emissions and sets the target of a minimum 14 % share of renewable energy in transport by 2030. First-generation biofuels (which come with significant concerns about environmental sustainability) account for half this target and second-generation biofuels for a quarter. The remainder are to be reached through electromobility.


The agricultural sector is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions in Hungary: emissions have increased steadily since 2011 and accounted for 11% of total emissions in 2017. However, the NECP lacks concrete measures to address these emissions. 


Renewable energy for the heating and cooling sector is set to derive not only from more efficient use of biomass but also through renewables-based district heating. The goal is to reach approx. 30% renewable energy in the heating and cooling sector by 2030. 

To know more check out our full assessment ☞

Hungary’s GHG emission projections for Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR) sectors

*GHG projection data (measured in Mt CO2 eq) reported utilizing a WEM scenario, which considers only the implementation of existing measures

**Green: Annual emission allocations: climate targets for each year in the 2021-2030 period, prescribing the amount of greenhouse gases a Member State is entitled to emit annually to reach overall 40% GHG emissions reduction

A NEKT keretében elért haladás

Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011
Első felülvizsgálat

2019 június végén az Európai Bizottság értékelte a magyar tervezetet.

Végleges felülvizsgálat

2020 szeptemberében az Európai Bizottság elkészítette a végleges NEKT-ek értékelését.  

Benyújtott végleges verzió

Magyarország végleges NEKT-jének változata itt található magyarul, és itt angolul.

NEKT-tervezet frissítése

2023 júniusáig a tagállamoknak frissíteniük kell a tervezeteiket.

Végleges NEKT frissítése

2023 decemberéig a tagállamoknak be kell nyújtaniuk a végleges frissített terveket.

Public participation


The final plan is available in Hungarian and English.


A public consultation was held neither for the elaboration of the draft NECP, nor the final NECP. In August 2018 and November 2019, the Government shared a questionnaire with a selected group of stakeholders, including a few CSOs and LRAs, to collect specific and guided feedback.


The plan does not cater for multi-level energy and climate dialogue.


Only selected stakeholder groups could respond to the questionnaires on the NECP. The first survey that was meant to collect input for the elaboration of the draft NECP only included general information on it but not its full draft. The second questionnaire in November 2019 focused on the entire plan that was then submitted to the EU Commission.


In its final NECP, the Government only mentions the selected stakeholder groups contacted for the survey but does not provide a summary of their views, nor the extent to which these were included in the finalised plan. 

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