NECP's highlights:
The final plan foresees a reduction in emissions in the transport sector from 100 Mt CO2eq. in 2020 to 79 Mt by 2030. This objective will be mainly achieved through an incremental substitution of the national vehicle fleet, the development of shared mobility and wider public transport network, and increased uptake of low-emissions vehicles and electric cars. The plan sets a 22% renewable energy target for the transport sector, which is higher than what is required by the Renewable Energy Directive, but it is also calculated with multiplying factors that include double counting.
In the agriculture sector, the final plan foresees a 3Mt CO2eq reduction in emissions, from 41Mt to 38Mt CO2eq by 2030.
The building sector is supposed to achieve an overall emission reduction of 35 MtCO2, decreasing from 87Mt today to 52Mt. This will be achieved mainly through deep renovations and requalification of buildings, the application of high performing technologies, and uptake of renewable energy sources.
To know more check out our full assessment ☞
*GHG projection data (measured in Mt CO2 eq) reported utilizing a WEM scenario, which considers only the implementation of existing measures
**Annual emission allocations (AEA): climate targets for each year in the 2021-2030 period, prescribing the amount of greenhouse gases a Member State is entitled to emit annually to reach overall 40% GHG emissions reduction di avanzamento del PNIEC
Alla fine di giugno 2019 la Commissione europea ha valutato la proposta relativa al Piano italiano.
A settembre del 2020 la Commissione europea ha fornito una valutazione dei PNEC definitivi.
Entro giugno 2023 gli Stati membri dovranno aggiornare le proposte relative ai loro piani.
Entro dicembre 2023 gli Stati membri dovranno presentare i loro piani definitivi aggiornati.
Public participation
Italy conducted a Strategic Environmental Assessement (SEA) instead of a public consultation on the final NECP.
Italy did not hold a multilevel dialogue on its NECP. However, targeted consultations with the Parliament and local and regional authorities (LRAs), based on already existing dialogue platforms were carried out. Thematic expert groups, aimed at collecting feedback and proposals on the most technical themes of the NECP such as safety, markets, research and competitiveness, were organised but CSOs were not invited.
No public consultation was held before the submission of the draft plan, but two public consultations, one in spring 2019 and one in 2020 (SEA procedure), were held before submitting the final NECP.
In the final NECP, the Government describes in a summary the views of the stakeholders received and to what extent are included in the final plan.