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NECP's highlights:

NECP REPORT download


The final NECP draws strongly on the Sustainable Transport Strategy to 2030. It contains some improvements with regards to the draft, including an increased focus on modal shift and emphasis on public transportation. The development of low-emissions transport and more energy-efficient urban planning are included. The main critique remains that there are no details on how these policies will be financed and implemented.


In the final plan, agriculture remains the most problematic sector with no measures with the specific goal to cut greenhouse gas emissions from the sector. The government sees limited potential for greenhouse gas emission reductions from this sector, and fears that strict policies and measures could lead to carbon leakage.


The final plan includes slightly better energy performance standards and stronger requirements for the use of renewable energy in new and modernised buildings. While solar as an energy source for the residential sector could grow significantly in the coming decade, the impact assessment relies predominantly on biomass boilers and wood pellets to deliver “renewable energy” for heat. By 2030, biomass boilers are expected to provide more than three times as much heat as heat pumps.

To know more check out our full assessment ☞

Poland’s GHG emission projections for Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR) sectors

*GHG projection data (measured in Mt CO2 eq) reported utilizing a WEM scenario, which considers only the implementation of existing measures

**Annual emission allocations: climate targets for each year in the 2021-2030 period, prescribing the amount of greenhouse gases a Member State is entitled to emit annually  to reach overall 40% GHG emissions reduction

NECP's progress

Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011
First revision

at the end of June 2019 the European Commission assessed the Polish draft plan

Final revision

In September 2020 the European Commission gave an assessment of the final NECPs.  

Submitted Final

Please find the English summary of the Polish final NECP here and the final plan in Polish here.

Draft NECP update

by June 2023 Member States are expected to update their draft plans

Final NECP update

by December 2023 Member States are expected to submit their final updated plans

Public participation


The final NECP is available in Polish, and a summary is also available in English.


The public consultation on the draft NECP ran from 15 January to 18 February, which is a short time considering the volume and complexity of the plan.

There was no public consultation held for the final NECP. 


The plan does not cater for multi-level energy and climate dialogue.


The draft NECP was not open for public consultation before submission to the EU Commission. The public consultation done in early 2019 was the only consultation of stakeholders and the public done before the final plan was sent to the EU Commission in early 2020.


The Government describes in a summary the stakeholders' views received and to what extent they were included in the final plan.

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