string(1) "2" 5 “must-have’s” for a good National Energy and Climate Plan | PlanUp
Paula Pinho

5 “must-have’s” for a good National Energy and Climate Plan

“1. A good national energy and climate plan (NECP) must include very clear contributions and objectives across all five dimensions of the energy union.

2. The plan should not only have very ambitious objectives but also underpin them with clear policies and measures. All of those planned measures need to be coherent, consistent and underpinned by a clear, analytical basis.

3. The NECP is also a way to help to deliver on the public financing part of the plans and therefore, countries need to include consideration on the investment needs.

4. It must include assessments of social and environmental impacts of all the contributions and policies that the country is putting forward.

5. Last but certainly not least, a good NECP needs the involvement of civil society as one of the main contributors to the plan.”

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