string(2) "15" Croatia Case Study – NEWLIGHT: up - scaling investments in Energy Efficiency [Sep. 2019] | PlanUp

Croatia Case Study – NEWLIGHT: up - scaling investments in Energy Efficiency [Sep. 2019]



The cost related to the operation and maintenance of public lighting systems in Croatian cities and municipalities can amount up to 7% of the total local authority budget. The modernisation of public lighting systems aims to replace luminaires with more energy-efficient technologies such as LED and installation of the power control (dimming), with the potential to achieve energy and cost savings of 60%. 

The project put in place a scheme to modernize around 34 000 lighting points, reduce energy consumption by 19 GWh and CO2 emissions by 5 000 tonnes. 0,79 Mio EUR of financing for the preparation phase of NEWLIGHT were provided through the EIB/ELENA.

For the works, the investment is estimated at over 20 Mio EUR for the reconstruction of 34.000 lighting points and luminaries. The financing combined favourable loans drawing on the EFSI (Juncker Fund) and measures from the Cohesion funds as a subsidy for the ESCO remuneration.


Policy Type: Obligation on public authorities in combination with EU funds

  • The availability of technical assistance during the preparatory phase
  • The measure aimed also to develop an EPC/PPP market in Croatia

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