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Public charging stations for electric vehicles [Sep. 2019]


2016 - Ongoing

This program targets greenhouse gas emissions reductions in transport by promoting infrastructures such as charging stations for electric vehicles (EVs) and electric hybrid plug-in. “Charging stations for electric cars” is a government lead program aiming at installing both fast and slow charging public stations for electric vehicles.

Although there is no safeguard in the project guaranteeing that the charging stations will only provide electricity from renewable sources, the program contributes to a significant upgrade of the Romanian infrastructure for electric vehicles. This will encourage citizens to purchase EVs support car-sharing with electric cars. This way, the infrastructure and consumer habits will be in place while an increasing portion of Romanian energy, in time, will come from renewable sources. Indirectly, the program opens the way for authorities to design local policies related to mobility in urban areas and increased uptake of EVs is likely to lead to behavioural change in urban transport. An increasingly electrified car fleet, increasingly run on renewable energy, will lead to reduced air and noise pollution in the cities, improving health and life quality.


Financial incentives for setting-up public infrastructure for electric mobility

  • Improved charging infrastructure for electric vehicles
  • Reduced GHG emissions from personal vehicles
  • Co-benefit of reduced air and noise pollution in cities

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