string(2) "15" Romania Case Study - Rabla Plus (Clunker Plus) [Sep. 2019] | PlanUp

Romania Case Study - Rabla Plus (Clunker Plus) [Sep. 2019]


2016 - Ongoing

The “Rabla Plus” (Clunker Plus) program is an aid scheme for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in transport. It does so by promoting energy-efficient electric vehicles (plug-in) or new hybrid electric vehicles. The program gives financial support, an “eco-label”, to the beneficiary at the purchase of a “clean car”. The program contributes to adding around 700-800 electric vehicles to the fleet each year. Despite the relatively modest number, it has a significant impact on the societal change related to the electrification of mobility. As the source for electric energy in Romania becomes more sustainable, the measure will contribute to considerable GHG emissions reductions. Combined with robust taxation on diesel and other internal combustion engines, it will also contribute to cleaner air in urban areas.


Financial scheme managed by the government

  • Financial support to purchase of electric vehicles
  • Replacement of car fleet for reduced GHG emissions and air and noise pollution

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