A rural project based on biodynamic agriculture. Biodynamic agriculture is associated with cultural and agrarian development, aimed at restoring soil fertility in the context of social trespass. Juchowo Farm has been pursuing that goal since 2000. Karlowska Foundation is a legal entity running Rural Project and has the status of a public benefit organization. It is the owner of the land (1,900 ha of which 1,600 ha of cultivated area), animals, buildings and machinery, which guarantees biodynamic management and prevents any property misappropriation in the future. All individual Rural Project initiatives have a contractual relationship with the Foundation and strive to create economic value. When implementing its statutory objectives, the Foundation cooperates with numerous public and legal organizations. Limitation of GHG emissions related to the production and transport of feed because animal nutrition is based in 97% on own feed: hay, fodder beets, grain, as well as grazing on meadows. The project will create a model scientific and research farm for Central and Eastern Europe, dealing mainly with research and all issues related to biodynamic and ecological agriculture as well as the education and training of people working on biodynamic farms and in the field of the environment.