The MOVES II plan already addresses some of the gaps of the MOVES I such as the non-compulsory scrapping of the replaced vehicle, the increase to 70% of incentives for light electric vehicles, the inclusion of incentives for the purchase of electric vehicles by rental car companies and the increase in the maximum allowed purchase price.
MOVES Plan I and II - incentives for efficient and sustainable mobility 2019-2020 [Spain]
The Efficient and Sustainable Mobility Incentives Program (MOVES) was approved in early 2019 with the aim of encouraging the purchase of alternative vehicles, installing infrastructures for charging electric vehicles and creating incentives to implement electric bicycle loan systems. The programme is coordinated by the IDAE (Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving) and directly managed by the regional governments.
A revised version of the Plan MOVES was recently approved by the Council of Ministers (PLAN MOVES II) with a budget of 100 million euros.