Energising the European Green Deal: Engaging stakeholders in multi-level governance #EUSEW2020 EVENT
The European Green Deal will aim to shift how energy is produced and consumed in the EU. While the Climate Pact will look at bottom-up engagement of stakeholders, how this interconnects with other layers of energy governance in the EU is unclear. Without a multi-level approach to energy governance the ambitious targets set by the EU are unlikely to be achieved.
This digital side event will assess initiatives happening at the local, regional, and EU level to highlight synergies and barriers to comprehensive and cohesive energy policy in the EU. By connecting the development of community-level energy projects with the Paris Agreement compatibility of EU-wide transmission networks this session will highlight the need for greater integration of EU and national planning with bottom-up initiatives.
The exchange within the session will:
- Promote knowledge exchange on local solutions to global problems
- Support local authorities by presenting best practices for developing SECAPs and engaging ongoing community movements
- Showcase wider developments at the regional and EU level in energy system transitions and barriers to further progress
- Identify gaps in EU policy to bridge the gap in current and existing governance structures to promote greater sustainable energy production and consumption
- Promote areas for greater communication and collaboration between stakeholders at different layers of EU governance
AGENDA (18 Jun 2020)
Opening Remarks: Tom Boyle Climate Action Network Europe
“Building community power: local energy production and ongoing examples of success” Juan Del Rio, Ecolise - COMETS project
“Constructing stakeholder dialogue: consensus-building based approach of energy efficiency in public buildings” Céline Seince, RURENER – COLEOPTER project
”Multi-stakeholder engagement in practice locally” Jean-Christophe de Tauzia, Incubateur Descartes
“Multi-stakeholder and multi-governance approach for SECAP development and implementation” Belgian PentaHelix partners, TBC
“Fostering dialogue on low-carbon policymaking between local, regional, and national authorities, civil society organisations and academia” Carbon Market Watch – PlanUp project, TBC
“Connecting our future: Building a trans-European Paris compatible energy scenario with civil society” Jörg Mühlenhoff, Climate Action Network Europe – PAC Project