How EU governments can set credible decarbonisation pathways: Using the Pathways Explorer tool for the Effort Sharing Regulation sectors

Date: Thursday 10 June 2021
Time: 10:30 – 12:00 CET
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Watch the webinar recording here

EU member states submitted their final National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs)  in December 2019. However, these plans quickly became outdated as the EU launched its Green Deal with the goal of becoming the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. The plans were also supposed to set a clear path up to 2030 for the decarbonisation of the Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR) sectors - such as transport, agriculture and buildings,  but generally lacked quantified and detailed measures to get there.

In the framework of the PlanUp project, we use an energy and emission simulation tool (the Pathways Explorer) to propose credible decarbonisation pathways for five EU member states - Poland, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Romania. These are designed to tap into the full potential of both technical and behavioural measures and reach the member states’ greenhouse gas reduction targets for the ESR sectors. 

At the event, we will discuss the key insights from our analyses, explore how national policies and measures can be integrated into the webtool and how this can help governments to ensure that their actions on the ESR sectors are in line with Europe’s new climate ambition and the objectives of the Paris Agreement. 


10:30: Introduction: the NECP framework: where do we stand and what lies ahead? – Sam Van den plas, Policy Director at Carbon Market Watch

10:40: PlanUp and the need for quantitative tools – Julien Pestiaux, Partner at Climact 

10:50: Presentation and live demonstration of the Pathways Explorer webtool – Benoît Martin, Consultant at Climact

11:00: How to create decarbonisation pathways in the Pathways Explorer? Two case studies:

The transport sector in Spain – National Energy and Climate Plans policies: Cristian Quilez, Public Policy Officer at ECODES 

How to create a transport pathway for Spain in Pathways Explorer– Sacha Breyer, Consultant at Climact

The buildings sector in Poland – Joanna Furmaga President of Polish Green Network (tbc)

11:15: Key insights from the analysis of the five EU member states – Benoît Martin

11:30: Q&A

11:55: Wrap-up and concluding remarks - Agnes Kelemen, Manager South-East Europe & Hungary at ECF