Ministry Officials virtual roundtable: Planning for 2030 – EU and Member States’ experiences with the first NECP cycle
In view of the upcoming implementation of the national energy and climate plans (NECPs) starting in 2021, our event will take stock of this first drafting process in member states. We will discuss how well different stakeholders, such as local authorities and civil society organisations, were involved in the process, and look at the next steps ahead for the plans, in light of the delivery of the EU Green Deal and national recovery policies.
Read the event report here.
This virtual roundtable will harness the experience gained among the 5 focus countries of PlanUp: Italy, Spain, Hungary, Poland and Romania. Ministry officials from these 5 countries will present lessons learnt, as well as challenges encountered in the first NECP cycle. By bringing together different member states alongside EU Commission representatives and the PlanUp project, we will have a space for interaction and feedback in an innovative online setting.
This event is by invitation only.
AGENDA (download here)
Tuesday 1 December 2020, 9:30–12:15
9:30-9:40 Welcome and outline of the day
- Sabine Frank, Director, Carbon Market Watch
9:40-9:50 Presentation of the EU Commission assessment of the final NECPs
- Leonardo Zannier, Energy Policy Coordination, DG Energy
9:50-10:35 Panel discussion 1: Taking stock of the first NECP drafting process
- Spain: Lucía Blanco and Aurora Recio, Ministry for Ecological Transition
- Italy: Luca Benedetti, Head of Energy Studies, Statistics and Sustainability, GSE
- Hungary: József Lezsák, Strategic Advisor, Ministry for Innovation and Technology
- Romania: Elena Popescu, Director-General in the Ministry of Energy
- Poland: Representative from Polish PermanentRepresentation (tbc)
- EU Commission: Leonardo Zannier, Energy Policy Coordination, DG Energy
- Moderator: Sabine Frank
10:35-10:45 Coffee break
10:45-11:25 Panel discussion 2: Multi-level governance and stakeholder participation in the NECPs
- Spain: Lucía Blanco and Aurora Recio, Ministry for Ecological Transition
- Italy: Alessandro Carettoni, Director in Ministry of the Environment
- Hungary: József Lezsák, Strategic Advisor, Ministry for Innovation and Technology
- Romania: Elena Popescu, Director-General in the Ministry of Energy
- Poland: Representative from Polish Permanent Representation (tbc)
- EU Commission: Leonardo Zannier, Energy Policy Coordination, DG Energy
- Moderator: Sabine Frank
11:25-12:05 Panel discussion 3: Looking ahead - NECPs implementation in view of the EU Green Deal and national recovery policies
- Spain: Lucía Blanco and Aurora Recio, Ministry for Ecological Transition
- Italy: Luca Benedetti, Head of Energy Studies, Statistics and Sustainability, GSE
- Hungary: Viktor Horváth, Head of Department, Ministry for Innovation and Technology
- Romania: Elena Popescu, Director-General in the Ministry of Energy
- Poland: Representative from Polish Permanent Representation (tbc)
- EU Commission: Leonardo Zannier, Energy Policy Coordination, DG Energy
- Moderator: Sabine Frank
12:05-12:15 Conclusions and final remarks
- David Donnerer, LIFE PlanUp project manager at Energy Cities network