NECP's highlights:
Transport is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Spain. The final plan sets a target of 43.5% greenhouse gas emission reduction (compared to 2005) by 2030. The decarbonisation of the transport sector mostly relies on modal shift, the deployment of electric mobility, and the boost to the manufacturing and use of advanced biofuels. The plan includes some improvements - for example, the promotion of low-emission zones for cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants (starting from 2023) and e-mobility - but it does not include measures to boost the electrification of heavy road transport.
In the agricultural sector, Spain expects a 13% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (1990 baseline) by 2030. However, such a reduction would not be sufficient to decarbonise the economy by 2050. The sector remains problematic also because it is linked to the finalisation of CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) for which negotiations have been long and were dragged on throughout 2020.
The final plan sets the goal to achieve a highly energy-efficient and decarbonised building stock by 2050. However, the number of buildings planned to be renovated by 2030 is clearly insufficient to achieve the proposed objectives.
To know more check out our full assessment ☞
*GHG projection data (measured in Mt CO2 eq) reported utilizing a WEM scenario, which considers only the implementation of existing measures
**Annual emission allocations: climate targets for each year in the 2021-2030 period, prescribing the amount of greenhouse gases a Member State is entitled to emit annually to reach overall 40% GHG emissions reduction del PNIEC
A finales de junio de 2019 la Comisión Europea evaluó el borrador del plan de España.
En septiembre de 2020, la Comisión Europea llevó a cabo una evaluación de los planes nacionales de energía y clima definitivos.
Los Estados miembros deben actualizar los borradores de sus planes en junio de 2023 a más tardar.
Los Estados miembros deben presentar sus planes definitivos actualizados en diciembre de 2023 a más tardar.
Public participation
The final plan is publicly available in Spanish and English.
Before the final plan was submitted to the Commission in early April 2020, another public consultation was held on the plan between 23 January - 14 March 2020. This consultation took place in the form of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) procedure.
The final NECP does not provide details on how the multilevel dialogue occurred. It is only mentioned that the Government engaged with its regions and autonomous communities through the Commission for the Coordination of Climate Change Policies.
No public consultations were held before the submission of the draft plan, but two public consultations, one in early 2019 and one in early 2020 (SEA procedure), were held before submitting the final NECP.
In the annex of its final NECP, the Government describes in a summary the views of the stakeholders received and to which extent it included them in the final plan. It also mentions the events in which it presented and discussed the plan with stakeholders.