EU Green Deal and NECPs: Is Europe on the right pathway to becoming the first climate-neutral continent?
Date: Tuesday 21st January 2020
Time: 9:30-16:00
Location: Scotland House Rond-point Robert Schuman 6, 1040 Bruxelles
Background: As part of the European Union’s 2030 climate and energy package, EU member states are required to develop energy and climate strategies to plan and to report on their 2030 climate and energy objectives (NECPs). Following the launch of the European Green Deal, this event will discuss the progress towards the European Union’s mid-and long-term climate and energy objectives and take stock of the NECPs preparation across the EU Member States.
Presentations here.
9:30-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:10 Welcome by Sabine Frank, Director, Carbon Market Watch
10:10-10:30 Keynote speech by Michiel Schaeffer, Climate Analytics (Presentation)
10:30-12:00 Panel discussion: EU green deal: from the strategy to the implementation
Moderator: Sabine Frank, Director, Carbon Market Watch
- Diederick Samson, Head of the cabinet of Commissioner Frans Timmermans, European Commission
- Patrick Ten Brink – EEB Director of EU Policy
- William Todts – T&E Executive Director
- Martin Porter – Executive Chair – Corporate Leaders Group, Brussels
- Ludovic Voet – Confederal Secretary – ETUC
12:00-13:30 Lunch break
13:30-15:30 Panel discussion: Are NECPs fit for the EU green deal?
Moderator: Davide Sabbadin, Policy Officer for Climate, EEB
- Paula Pinho, Head of Unit, European Commission DG Energy
- Peter Liese, Member of the European Parliament, EPP Group
- Wolfgang Vittorio D’Innocenzo, Energy Attaché – Permanent Representation of Italy to the EU
- Lian Merkx, Programme Manager Energy Transition, Association of Dutch municipalities (Presentation)
- Quentin Genard – E3G Acting head of Brussels office (Presentation)
15:30 Final remarks by Sam Van den plas – Carbon Market Watch Policy Director
Date: Wednesday 22nd January 2020
Time: 10:30-14:30
Location: Renewable Energy House, Rue d'Arlon 63, 1040 Bruxelles
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee
11:00 - 12:45: EU projects' debate on the future of European climate policy
Representatives from EU funded projects will present their project results and discuss how their future activities will be plugged in the EU and national political framework including:
- Alexandra Papadopoulou, University of Athens - C Track 50 (H2020) - (Presentation)
- Mathias Claeys Bouaert, CAN Europe - Network Outreach Coordinator - Life Unify (LIFE) - (Presentation)
- Arianna Vitali Roscini, BPIE - Senior Project Manager - BuildUpon (H2020) - (Presentation)
- Tomislav Pukšec, University of Zagreb - Assistant Professor - Pentahelix (H2020) - (Presentation)
- Daniel Becker, Navigant - Director - BEACON (EUKI) - (Presentation)
- Jeremie Fosse, Ecounion - Proseu (H2020) - (Presentation)
- Damiano Di Simine - Legambiente - Sharing Cities (H2020) - (Presentation)
12:45 - 13:00 Final Remarks by Agnese Ruggiero - CMW Policy Officer
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch